Kategori: English

  • Paket II – Structure and Written Expression

    Paket II – Structure and Written Expression

    Section : Structure and Written Expresssion Paket 2
    Waktu : 25 Menit
    Jumlah Soal : 40

    Petunjuk Latihan :

    1. Silahkan mulai star quiz jika anda rasa sudah siap. Setelah itu soal akan muncul dengan 4 pilihan jawaban.
    2. Pilih jawaban yang menurut anda paling benar, setelah memilih jawaban maka soal otomatis berpindah ke soal berikutnya.

    Catatan : (1) Aplikasi ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan sehingga belum memiliki timer waktu pengerjaan jadi silahkan taati aturan tersebut karena kesadaran diri anda dan (2) aplikasi ini tidak memiliki fitur menjawab ulang soal yang sudah diselesaikan jadi silahkan tentukan dengan seksama jawaban yang anda akan pilih.

    Struktur II

    Selamat Bekerja!!!

    Tabel Konversi Jumlah Jawaban Benar ke Skor

  • Paket I – Structure dan Written Expression

    Paket I – Structure dan Written Expression

    Selamat Datang di latihan Structure dan Written Expression Paket I yang berada pada Section II dalam tes TOEFL PBT. Section ini terdiri 40 butir soal untuk dikerjakan dalam kurung waktu 25 menit.

    Catatan : (1) Aplikasi ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan sehingga belum memiliki timer waktu pengerjaan jadi silahkan taati aturan tersebut karena kesadaran diri anda dan (2) aplikasi ini tidak memiliki fitur menjawab ulang soal yang sudah diselesaikan jadi silahkan tentukan dengan seksama jawaban yang anda akan pilih.

    Struktur I

    Waktu pengerjaan soal struktur adalah 25 menit

    Tabel Konversi Jumlah Jawaban Benar ke Skor

  • ESM – Fluids for High School

    ESM – Fluids for High School

    A. Description

    The English Subject Matter with Fluids Topics for Single Subject Credential option prepares students for a career in teaching English at the middle school and/or high school level.

    B. Objectives

    This ESM aim

    1. to make student understand scientific articles on fluids for high school topics
    2. to generate a simple scientific articles on fluids for high school topics.

    C. Activities

    1. Reading

    1. Ocean Currents
    2. Why Does a Ship Floating
    3. Water Anomaly

    2. Writing

    1. Tell us about nature water storage in your home and what do people do there! Generate the the story at least 500 words.
  • Reading Articles: Water Anomaly

    Reading Articles: Water Anomaly

    Water has a number of exceptional properties, which distinguish it from other fluids. One is the anomaly of density.

    The Behaviour of Water at Different Temperatures

    Usually, substances expand when they are heated. But if you heat water starting at 0°C, you will notice something weird: At first, the volume of the liquid does not get bigger, but smaller! Up to a temperature of 4°C, the water contracts when heated.

    Once it has reached that temperature, it starts to expand with increasing temperature just like other fluids. That means water has a higher density at 4°C than at any other temperature.

    Why does ice need more space than cold water?

    When cooling down below 4°C, water expands. When it freezes at 0°C, the volume increases once again. This unusual behaviour has something to do with the structure of solid and liquid water: In the liquid, the molecules can move relatively freely, whereas in ice, they assemble into regular structures with big hollow spaces in between, which require more space.

    Since ice has a lower density than water, it floats on the water. You know this from ice cubes in a drink or from icebergs floating in the sea.

    The Anomaly Determines Life on Earth!

    Thanks to the anomaly, fish can survive in stretches of standing water in winter! Since water with a temperature of 4°C is heavier than colder water, it sinks downwards. Therefore, it is warmer on the bottom of the lake than on the surface. On top it is the coldest.

    As a result, the lake starts to freeze from the top to the bottom, and the warmer layers of water beneath the sheet of ice cool down considerably more slowly and remain liquid. There, the aquatic animals can spend the winter. If the water froze from the bottom to the top, soon the whole water would have frozen and the fish would have no chance to survive!

    The anomaly also has its drawbacks, though:

    If water is enclosed in a closed vessel, it still expands while freezing and may develop such forces that it bursts the vessel. Water enclosed in rock cracks is even able to break up the rock, and therefore plays an important role in the erosion process. In the same way, frost damage is caused on the streets when water seeps into the cracks of the road surface and freezes.

    Water must also be prevented, from freezing in water pipes during winter, since otherwise the pipes burst.

    Activities Task

    1. Make a resume about the article in Bahasa Indonesia which contain information based reading objectives!
    2. Find out a specifics physics vocabulary and explain what do those words mean!
    3. Find out the Physics quantities and write the units of its quantities!

    Complete Sentences

    1. The system of deep ocean currents that is the result of these changes in density is known as the global conveyor belt
    2. This denser water begins to sink to the bottom of the ocean, while surface water moves in to replace it, generating a current
  • Why Does a Ship Float in Water?

    Why Does a Ship Float in Water?

    When I jump into a swimming pool, I sink like a stone unless I flail about wildly, but when the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier – which is just a tad bigger and tad heavier than I am – jumps into the ocean, it floats with no effort whatsoever. What’s going on? Let’s wonder a bit about the science of floating.

    Some big, heavy things – like the USS Enterprise – float in water. Some small, light things, like a ball bearing, don’t. So size doesn’t determine whether something floats, and neither does weight. Let’s start by identifying what causes something to float or not.

    Everything on Earth, whether on the surface or under water, has the weight of everything higher up pushing down on it.

    Everything on Earth, whether on the surface or under water, has the weight of everything higher up pushing down on it. Yes, right now as you read this, the weight of all of the air above you, right up to the top of the atmosphere, is pushing down and in on you. The resulting force is about 14.7 pounds on every square inch of your body. 14.7 pounds per square inch, or psi, is the normal, average atmospheric pressure on the Earth.

    If you dive down into water, you’ll not only have the weight of the air up above pushing in on you, but the weight of all of the water above you as well. Water is relatively heavy – go down just 30 feet and the weight of the water per square inch on your body will equal the weight of the hundreds of miles of air above you. 

    Why doesn’t the weight of all that air and water push you down, down, down, after you dive into a swimming pool? The answer is simply that the water below you is pushing up

    There you are, underneath the surface in a swimming pool. Water wants to be where you are – your body has displaced a whole lot of it. If you suddenly disappeared, water would rush in to fill the space. It is the force of that potential “rushing in” that results in a force acting against the weight of the air and water above you.

    This is the buoyant force. The buoyant force depends on how much water an object displaces. The larger the object, the greater the buoyant force it experiences. Ah, but will that object float? 

    An object floats when the buoyant force is large enough to counter the object’s weight. So a large hollow object might float because large means more water displaced – so more buoyant force – and hollow means relatively little weight. A small solid object might not float, however. Less water displaced results in a smaller buoyant force. If that buoyant force isn’t enough to counter the weight of the object, it will sink. 

    So yes, the USS Enterprise weighs far more than I do. But the weight of the water it displaces is more than the weight of the aircraft carrier, so it floats. Me, I weigh more than the water I displace, so I sink.

    Activities Task

    1. Make a resume about the article in Bahasa Indonesia which contain information based reading objectives!
    2. Find out a specifics physics vocabulary and explain what do those words mean!
    3. Find out the Physics quantities and write the units of its quantities!

    Complete Sentences

    1. The system of deep ocean currents that is the result of these changes in density is known as the global conveyor belt
    2. This denser water begins to sink to the bottom of the ocean, while surface water moves in to replace it, generating a current
  • Reading Article: Oceans Current

    Reading Article: Oceans Current

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Know what is meant by an ocean current.
    2. Distinguish between surface and deep currents.
    3. Explain why our Pacific Coast is cool and dry and our Atlantic Coast is warm and wet.

    Ocean currents are streams of water that flow through the ocean. There are two types of ocean currents; surface and deep currents.

    Surface Currents

    Surface currents are powered by the sun and driven by the wind. The sun drives the global wind systems on Earth. When this wind blows over the surface of the ocean, it causes waves to form and the water at the surface to move. The force of the wind pushing on the water results in what are known as surface currents.

    The global winds that drive surface currents are affected by a number of things, one of which is the rotation of the Earth. The Earth’s rotation causes the ocean currents to turn in a process known as the Coriolis effect. Because of the Coriolis effect, ocean currents deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

    Additionally, while the wind only pushes the water at the very surface of the ocean, the water molecules moved by the wind current drag along the water molecules just below them. The result is that the layer of water just below the surface also moves (though slightly slower). That second layer, in turn, pulls on the water molecules below it. This continues down to a depth of about 100 m (330 feet) with each increase in depth resulting in a slowing down of the water.

    Arus Dalam Pada Samudra

    Deep Ocean Currents

    Deep ocean currents (currents that occur at depths below those of surface currents) are driven by differences in seawater density which are the result of differences in temperature and salinity (saltiness). The system of deep ocean currents that is the result of these changes in density is known as the global conveyor belt

    The Global Conveyor Belt:

    Near the pole of the North Atlantic, water near the surface of the ocean begins to freeze due to cold temperatures. When this water freezes, however, it leaves salt behind, which increases both the salinity and density of water left behind (not frozen). This denser water begins to sink to the bottom of the ocean, while surface water moves in to replace it, generating a current. This deep water then moves south in a complex pattern around the globe, moving at speeds much slower than those of the surface currents.

    Arus Air panas dan Dingin di Samudra

    How Ocean Currents Affect the Coast:

    Ocean currents can affect local coasts by transferring heat (in the form of warm water) from warmer (tropical) to colder (polar) regions.

    For example, currents flowing from the poles (think Alaskan and northern ocean currents; these currents are coming from cold regions) travel southward along the west coast (Pacific Coast) of the United States, causing cooler ocean temperatures and a cooler climate. The cold current along the west coast of the US is known as the California current. On the other hand, currents from locations near the equator (think the Caribbean and tropical Atlantic; these currents are coming from warm regions) move along the east coast (Atlantic Coast), resulting in a warm and wet climate.

    Source : https://pressbooks.umn.edu/classroompartners/chapter/ocean-currents/

    Activities Task

    1. Make a resume about the article in Bahasa Indonesia which contain information based reading objectives!
    2. Find out a specifics physics vocabulary and explain what do those words mean!
    3. Find out the Physics quantities and write the units of its quantities!

    Complete Sentences

    1. The system of deep ocean currents that is the result of these changes in density is known as the global conveyor belt
    2. This denser water begins to sink to the bottom of the ocean, while surface water moves in to replace it, generating a current
  • English Grammar – Preposition : Defenisi, Jenis dan Penggunaannya

    English Grammar – Preposition : Defenisi, Jenis dan Penggunaannya

    AhmadDahlan.NETPreposition adalah kata yang digunakan untuk melengkapi noun atau pronoun. Fungsinya menerangkan verb, noun maupun adjective. Kata Preposition menghungan antara object of preposition dengan jenis elemen dalam sebuah kaliam. Adapun object of preposition bisa berupa noun, pronoun, gerund, dan noun clause. Preposition analog dengan kata depan dalam bahasa Indonesia.

    A. Aturan penggunaan Preposition

    Preposition pada umumnya digunakan sebagai kata depan sehingga keterangan dari kata setelah propositon menjadi jelas baik dari tempat, waktu, dan sejenisnya. Namun ada beberapa aturan dimana preposition bisa berada di posisi lain. Aturannya sebagai berikut :

    1. Tidak boleh diikuti dengan kata verb tapi bisa dengan gerund
      1. She has been banned from driving for a month.
    2. Untuk object of preposition berbentuk relative pronoun, Preposition berada di bagian belakang :
      1. Here is the micrometers that you asked for
      2. It is the chance that he fight for
    3. Untuk object of preposition berbentuk interrogative pronoun maka posisi preposition juga berada di bagian akhir kalimat :
      1. What are you looking for?
      2. Which is side you on?
      3. What is going on?
    4. Untuk object of preposition berbentuk infinitive maka preposition berada setelah infinitive.
      1. I look for a book to write on.
      2. We need a motel to rest in.
    5. Menyataakan tujuan dari sebuah actifitas
      1. I hate being laughed at
    6. Dalam beberapa kaliamt tanya, prepostion bisa digunakan untuk menekankan pertanyaan.
      1. For whom is the cake?*

    * bentuk kalimat tanya dari who is the cake for?

    B. Jenis-Jenis Preposisi

    Preposition bisa dikelompokkan ke dalam beberapa jenis berdasarkan fungsinya seperti :

    a. Preposition of time

    Preposisi ini diikuti oleh keterangan waktu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia analog dengan kata “di” atau “pada”. Bentuk preposition of time yang paling umun adalah in, on, dan at.

    1. in – digunakan untuk menunjukkan rentang waktu yang panjang dan musimam seperti tahun, abad, dan musim.
      1. Newton law of motion were discovered in 1665
      2. The symposium will take place in this summer
    2. on – digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu yang jelas namun masih memiliki rentangw aktu tertentu. Misalnya tanggal atau hari.
      1. The movie will be in theatre on July 1st.
      2. The class run on friday.
    3. at – digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu yangs udah spesifik seperti jam.
      1. I woke up at 3 a.m this morning
      2. Please join to the meeting at 2 p.m.

    b. Preposition of place

    Prepossession of place menjelaskan kata benda berdasarkan pada tempatnya. Kata depan ini analog dengan “di” dan “pada” yang merujuk waktu pada bahasa Indonesia. Bentuk prepostion of time in, on, at, under, below, above, among, behind, in front of, near, dan lain-lain.

    1. in – digunakan untuk merujuk pada kata benda yang berada di dalam. Pada Addressing system, kata in digunakan untuk merujuk pada alamat yang umum seperti kabupaten, kota, provinsi dan hal-hal yang lebih besar.
      1. She was born in Makassar
      2. Proton and Neutron are in the center of atom
    2. on – digunakan untuk merujuk benda yang berada permukaan yang melekat benda yang tepat melekat pada benda tersebut. Dalam sistem addressing digunakan untuk merujuk pada alamat yang berada dalam satu kesatuan yang disepakati seperti nama jalan atau gang.
      1. The painting is on the wall
      2. The Pinisi Building is on Jalan Andi Petterani
    3. at – digunakan untuk merujuk benda yang letaknya sudah sangat spesifik.
      1. I meet the lecture at the meeting last night.
      2. The pint is at jl. Dg Tata Raya No. 5.

    Selain dari ke tiga preposition tersebut, masih ada banyak preposotion lainnya. Penggunaannya bisa diilustrasikan infografik berikut ini :

    Ilustrasi dan Infografik penggunaan Preposition

    c. Proposition of movement

    Preposition of Movement menunjukkan arah gerak yang dituju oleh suatu benda atau orang. Contoh kata preposition adalah to, into, onto, out , across, toward, through t, past, up, down, around, dan sejenisnya. Contoh penggunannya :

    • I like to turning around.
    • The man who ride the red superbike were running past the building
    • We need to get into the house quickly

    d. Preposition of Agent

    Preposisi ini diartikan sebagai tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau benda. Salah satu bentuk dari Preposition of Agent ini adalah by. Contoh penggunaan sebagai berikut :

    • The was eaten by Rudi
    • The Lecturer is led by Dahlan.

    3. Preposition of Instrument

    Proposition of Instrument digunakan untuk menjelaskan alat (instrumen) yang digunakan untuk melakukan suatu aksi. Bentuk proposisi ini adalah by, with, dan with the help of. Contoh penggunaannya adalah :

    • She went to America by plane
    • I get the sugar with spoon
  • English Grammar – Article : a, an, the dan Zero Article

    English Grammar – Article : a, an, the dan Zero Article

    AhmadDahlan.NETArticle adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengindentifikasi apakah sebuah kata benda itu spesifik atau tidak. Article bisa digunakan untuk mendefenisikan benda konkrit, abstrak, klausa maupun frasa. Article analog dengan kata sandang dalam bahasa Indonesia.

    Dalam bahasa inggris, ada tiga jenis kata yang masuk kategori article yakni a, an, dan the. Berdasarkan tujuannya, Article bisa digunakan untuk menyandang tigas jenis benda yakni Indefinite, definite, dan generalization.

    a. Indefinite Article – a / an

    Indefinite article digunakan sebagai kata sandang untuk benda-benda yang belum spesifik dengan singular dan countable noun.

    Contoh penggunaannya :

    • A nucleus is surrounded by one or more electrons.
    • An electron orbit is depend on its energy

    Penggunaan article a diikuti dengan kata benda yang dibunyikan dengan huruf konsonan seperti a book, a force, atau a uniform sedangkan an untuk yang dibunyikan misalnya an orbits, atau an hours.

    b. Definite Article – the

    Kebalikan indefinite article, definite article digunakan sebagai kanda sandang untuk benda yang sudah spesifik atau sudah didefenisikan sebelumnya. The dapat digunakan untuk merujuk singular, plural, countable dan uncountable noun.

    Contoh penggunaannya :

    • Newton discovered the gravity law in 1665
    • The force of circular motion body depend on it radius, mass and velocity.

    c. Zero Article

    Zero article adalah aturan yang menjelaskan tentang jenis kata benda yang tidak boleh diikuti oleh article, seperti kata benda yang bersifat generalisasi. Zero article berlaku untuk plural countable dan uncountable noun. Contoh kata-katanya seperti nama, nama negara, nama bahasa, academic subjek dan sebagainya.

    Contoh penggunaannya :

    • I take physics instrument in this semester
    • The Journal articles are in French.


    1. __ volcano is __ mountain which erupt lava
    2. In electromagnets, ___ magnetic flux through __ surface is __ surface integral of ___ normal cpmpund of ___ magnetic filed B over that surface.
    3. __ SI Units of pressure is Pascal
    4. ___ magnetic interaction is described in term of __ vector filed
    5. Aurum is ___ best conductor of electricity.
  • Fluids English Subject Matter

    Fluids English Subject Matter

    AhmadDahlan.NET – Fluids ESM will be focus to discuss Fluids for Senior High Schools Matter base on Based on Permendikbud Republik Indonesia No. 37 Tahun 2018.

    The subject are :

    1. Applying static fluids laws in daily activity
    2. Applying the Dynamic fluids principle in technology
    3. Designing experiment based on statics fluid law and principle

    Esm Objectives :

    1. Student are expected to be able to conduct a short article with 500 and 700 words
      1. Archimedes Law (1st-2nd week)
      2. Statics Fluids (3th-4th week)
      3. Ideal Fluids (5th-6th week)
    2. Student are expected to be able to make a short explanation video about Fluids topic for 3 – 5 minutes.
      1. Choose on of these topics : Fluids, Hydrostatics Pressure, or the History of Torricelli (7th-9th week)
    3. Student are expected to be able to make a simple fluids experiment guidance (10th-12th week)

    In order to achieve the Objectives, student are order to

    1. Conducts a fluid summary about fluid (topic is Coming soon!!!)
    2. Records your self explaining about fluid topic (topic is Coming soon!!!)
    3. Make or translating a fluid experiment guidance (topic is Coming soon!!!)

    Temporary Attendance List

  • Thermodynamics English Subject Matter

    Thermodynamics English Subject Matter

    AhmadDahlan.NET – Due to the Covid-19 Pandemics, Thermodynamics ESM are not allowed to be conducted in physical classroom, so that all of activities will be conducted online. Our class will be conduct on two models, those are asynchronous and online meeting.

    ESM Objectives :

    1. Student are expected to translate Indonesia Article about Thermodynamics topics into English Article
    2. Student are expected to be able explaining Thermodynamics Subject
    3. Student are expected to make summary of Thermodynamics article

    In order to achieve the ESM Objectives, you are order to

    1. Translating the article Bellow
      1. Hukum Gas dan Temperature Mutlak (1st – 2nd week) – one week for making and collecting the translation and one week for revising
      2. Hukum II Termodinamika (3rd – 4th week) – one week for making and collecting the translation and one week for revising
    2. Record your self explaining about Thermodynamics topic.
      1. Choose one of these topics : Global Warming, Heat Transfer, or the History of Fahrenheit Scale
      2. Make a transcript of your video content (5th – 6th week) – one week for making and collecting the transcript and one week for revising
      3. Make the Video and upload it on youtube, than collect the link. (7th – 8th week)
    3. Coming soon!!!

    Attedance List

    Please fill up this form : Weekly Attendance List