
Paket II – Structure and Written Expression

Section : Structure and Written Expresssion Paket 2Waktu : 25 MenitJumlah Soal : 40 Petunjuk Latihan : Silahkan mulai star quiz jika anda rasa...
Ahmad Dahlan
21 sec read

Paket I – Structure dan Written Expression

Selamat Datang di latihan Structure dan Written Expression Paket I yang berada pada Section II dalam tes TOEFL PBT. Section ini terdiri 40 butir...
Ahmad Dahlan
17 sec read

ESM – Fluids for High School

Fluids for High School is English Subject Matter with Fluids Topics for Single Subject Credential option prepares students for a career in
Ahmad Dahlan
19 sec read

Reading Articles: Water Anomaly

Water has a number of exceptional properties, which distinguish it from other fluids. One is the anomaly of density. The Behaviour of Water at...
Ahmad Dahlan
1 min read

Why Does a Ship Float in Water?

When I jump into a swimming pool, I sink like a stone unless I flail about wildly, but when the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier...
Ahmad Dahlan
2 min read

Reading Article: Oceans Current

Learning Objectives:1. Know what is meant by an ocean current.2. Distinguish between surface and deep currents.3. Explain why our Pacific Coast is cool and...
Ahmad Dahlan
2 min read

English Grammar – Preposition : Defenisi, Jenis dan Penggunaannya

Berikut ini contoh penggunaan preposition yang sesuai dengan struktur grammar dalam bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar
Ahmad Dahlan
2 min read

English Grammar – Article : a, an, the dan Zero…

Artikel adalah kata sandang yang digunakan untuk menspesifikasikan kata benda seperti a, an dan the. Zero Article merujuk pada
Ahmad Dahlan
1 min read

Fluids English Subject Matter

Fluids English Subject Matter. Fluids ESM will be focus to discuss Fluids for Senior High Schools Matter base on Based on Permendikbud
Ahmad Dahlan
37 sec read

Thermodynamics English Subject Matter

AhmadDahlan.NET – Due to the Covid-19 Pandemics, Thermodynamics ESM are not allowed to be conducted in physical classroom, so that all of activities will...
Ahmad Dahlan
43 sec read