A multiple-choice question (MCQ) is composed of two parts: a stem that identifies the question or problem, and a set of alternatives or possible...
Designing Assessment A. Description Designing Assessment is English Subject Matter course for International Class Program (ICP) student of Physics Education. This Course prepares the...
A. The importance of assessment Assessments in education measure student achievement. These may take the form traditional assessments such as exams, or quizzes, but...
Water has a number of exceptional properties, which distinguish it from other fluids. One is the anomaly of density. The Behaviour of Water at...
When I jump into a swimming pool, I sink like a stone unless I flail about wildly, but when the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier...
Because the pressure in a fluid depends on depth and on the value of P0, any increase in pressure at the surface must be...
Fluids English Subject Matter. Fluids ESM will be focus to discuss Fluids for Senior High Schools Matter base on Based on Permendikbud
AhmadDahlan.NET – Due to the Covid-19 Pandemics, Thermodynamics ESM are not allowed to be conducted in physical classroom, so that all of activities will...