Tag: ESM

  • Designing Multiple-Choice Questions

    Designing Multiple-Choice Questions

    A multiple-choice question (MCQ) is composed of two parts: a stem that identifies the question or problem, and a set of alternatives or possible answers that contain a key that is the best answer to the question, and a number of distractors that are plausible but incorrect answers to the question. Students respond to MCQs by indicating the alternative that they believe best answers or completes the stem. There are many advantages to using MCQs for assessment.

    One key advantage is that the questions are easy to mark and can even be scored by a computer, which makes them an attractive assessment approach for large classes. Well designed MCQs allow testing for a wide breadth of content and objectives and provide an objective measurement of student ability.

    The following suggestions for designing MCQs are organized into three sections: 1) general strategies, 2) designing stems, and 3) designing alternatives.

    General strategies

    • Write questions throughout the term. Multiple-choice question exams are challenging and time-consuming to create. You will find it easier if you write a few questions each week, perhaps after a lecture when the course material is still fresh in your mind.
    • Instruct students to select the “best answer” rather than the “correct answer”. By doing this, you acknowledge the fact that the distractors may have an element of truth to them and discourage arguments from students who may argue that their answer is correct as well.
    • Use familiar language. The question should use the same terminology that was used in the course. Avoid using unfamiliar expressions or foreign language terms, unless measuring knowledge of such language is one of the goals of the question. Students are likely to dismiss distractors with unfamiliar terms as incorrect.
    • Avoid giving verbal association clues from the stem in the key. If the key uses words that are very similar to words found in the stem, students are more likely to pick it as the correct answer.
    • Avoid trick questions. Questions should be designed so that students who know the material can find the correct answer. Questions designed to lead students to an incorrect answer, through misleading phrasing or by emphasizing an otherwise unimportant detail of the solution, violate this principle.
    • Avoid negative wording. Students often fail to observe negative wording and it can confuse them. As a result, students who are familiar with the material often make mistakes on negatively worded questions. In general, avoid having any negatives in the stem or the options. In the rare cases where you use negatives be sure to emphasize the key words by putting them in upper case, and bolding or underlining them. For example:

      The Newton motion law does NOT explain of …
      a.) Inertia
      b.) Acceleration
      c.) Reaction-Action Force
      d.) Charge Force

    Designing stems

    • Express the full problem in the stem. When creating the item, ask yourself if the students would be able to answer the question without looking at the options. This makes the purpose of the question clear.
    • Put all relevant material in the stem. Do not repeat in each of the alternatives information that can be included in the stem. This makes options easier to read and understand, and makes it easier for students to answer the question quickly.
    • Eliminate excessive wording and irrelevant information from the stem. Irrelevant information in the stem confuses students and leads them to waste time:

      A number of books have been published about the University of Waterloo. These books fall into various genres such as photographic histories, biographies of prominent people involved with the University, and accounts of the history of individual departments.

      Among them was a book whose author is known as “Simon the Troll”. What is the title of this book?
      a.) Dreaming in Technicolor
      b.) Water Under the Bridge
      c.) Of Mud and Dreams
      d.) Images of Waterloo

      Most of the stem is not necessary to answer the question. A better question would be:

      What is the title of the book about Waterloo written by “Simon the Troll”?
      a.) Dreaming in Technicolor
      b.) *Water Under the Bridge
      c.) Of Mud and Dreams
      d.) Images of Waterloo

    Designing alternatives

    • Limit the number of alternatives. Use between three and five alternatives per question. Research shows that three-choice items are about as effective as four or five-choice items, mainly because it is difficult to come up with plausible distractors.
    • Make sure there is only one best answer. Avoid having two or more options that are correct, but where one is “more” correct than the others. The distractors should be incorrect answers to the question posed in the stem.
    • Make the distractors appealing and plausible. If the distractors are farfetched, students will too easily locate the correct answer, even if they have little knowledge. When testing for recognition of key terms and ideas keep the distractors similar in length and type of language as the correct solution. When testing conceptual understanding, distractors should represent common mistakes made by students.

      Waterloo Counselling Services provides workshops about:

      a.) cooking skills
      b.) hockey refereeing
      c.) *study skills
      d.) fire safety and prevention

      It is unlikely that students would choose options a, b, or d, even if they didn’t know the answer. A better question would have plausible links between the stem and the distractors:

      Waterloo Counselling Services provides workshops about:

      a.) preparing for marriage
      b.) presentation skills
      c.) * study skills
      d.) psychotherapy research
    • Make the choices gramatically consistent with the stem. Read the stem and each of the choices aloud to make sure that they are grammatically correct.
    • Place the choices in some meaningful order. When possible, place the choices in numerical, chronological or conceptual order. A better structured question is easier to read and respond to:

      During what period was James Downey the president of Waterloo?

      a.) 1990-1996
      b.) 1991-1997
      c.) 1992-1998
      d.) *1993-1999
    • Randomly distribute the correct response. The exam should have roughly the same number of correct answers that are a’s, b’s, c’s, and d’s (assuming there are four choices per question).
    • Avoid using “all of the above”. If “all of the above” is an option and students know two of the options are correct, the answer must be “all of the above”. If they know one is incorrect, the answer must not be “all of the above”. A student may also read the first option, determine that it is correct, and be misled into choosing it without reading all of the options.
    • Avoid using “none of the above”. The option “none of the above” does not test whether the student knows the correct answer, but only that he/she knows the distractors aren’t correct.
    • Refrain from using words such as always, never, all, or none. Most students know that few things are universally true or false, so distractors with these words in them can often be easily dismissed.
    • Avoid overlapping choices. Make the alternatives mutually exclusive. It should never be the case that if one of the distractors is true, another distractor must be true as well.
    • Avoid questions of the form “Which of the following statements is correct?” There is no clear question being asked, and the choices are often heterogeneous. Such questions are better presented in the form of True/False questions.
  • ESM – Designing Assessment

    ESM – Designing Assessment

    Designing Assessment

    A. Description

    Designing Assessment is English Subject Matter course for International Class Program (ICP) student of Physics Education. This Course prepares the student to develop assessment for high school level.

    B. Objectives

    1. Understanding the general purpose of learning assessment in high school.
    2. Creating a question bank for physics course in high school level.

    C. Activities

    1. Designing Assessment
    2. Part of Speech
    3. Understanding English Grammar
    4. Question Structures
    5. Designing Multiple-Choice Question
    6. Constructing Multiple-Choice Question
    7. Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda
  • Designing Assessments

    Designing Assessments

    A. The importance of assessment

    Assessments in education measure student achievement. These may take the form traditional assessments such as exams, or quizzes, but may also be part of learning activities such as group projects or presentations.

    While assessments may take many forms, they also are used for a variety of purposes. They may

    • Guide instruction 
    • Determine if reteaching, remediating or enriching is needed
    • Identify strengths and weaknesses
    • Determine gaps in content knowledge or understanding
    • Confirm students’ understanding of content
    • Promote self-regulating strategies 
    • Determine if learning outcomes have been achieved
    • Collect data to record and analyze
    • Evaluate course and teaching effectiveness

    While all aspects of course design are important, your choice of assessment Influences what your students will primarily focus on.

    For example, if you assign students to watch videos but do not assess understanding or knowledge of the videos, students may be more likely to skip the task. If your exams only focus on memorizing content and not thinking critically, you will find that students are only memorizing material instead of spending time contemplating the meaning of the subject matter, regardless of whether you attempt to motivate them to think about the subject.

    Overall, your choice of assessment will tell students what you value in your course. Assessment focuses students on what they need to achieve to succeed in the class, and if you want students to achieve the learning outcomes you have created, then your assessments need to align with them.

    The assessment cycle

    Assessment does not occur only at the end of units or courses. To adjust teaching and learning, assessment should occur regularly throughout the course. The following diagram is an example of how assessment might occur at several levels.

    This cycle might occur:

    • During a single lesson when students tell an instructor that they are having difficulty with a topic.
    • At the unit level where a quiz or exam might inform whether additional material needs to be included in the next unit.
    • At the course level where a final exam might indicate which units will need more instructional time the next time the course is taught.
    The assessment cycle

    In many of the above instances learning outcomes may not change, but assessment results will instead directly influence further instruction. For example, during a lecture a quick formative assessment such as a poll may make it clear that instruction was unclear, and further examples are needed.

    B. Assessment considerations

    There are several types of assessment to consider in your course which fit within the assessment cycle. The two main assessments used during a course are formative and summative assessment. It is easier to understand each by comparing them.

    TypesAssessment for LearningAssessment of Learning
    PurposeImprove learningMeasure attainment
    WhenWhile learning is in progressEnd of learning
    Focused onLearning process and learning progressProducts of learning
    UseProvide feedback and adjust lessonFinal evaluation

    An often-used quote that helps illustrate the difference between these purposes is:

    “When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative. When the guests taste the soup, that’s summative.” Robert E. Stake


    Minute papers
    Concept maps
    Graphic organizers
    Video responses
    Exit slips
    Peer assessments
    Journal entries
    Performance tasks
    Group assignments
    Comprehension questions
    Oral responses
    Research paper
    Practicum or field work

    It is important to note, however, that assessments may often serve both purposes. For example, a low-stakes quiz may be used to inform students of their current progress, and an instructor may alter instruction to spend more time on a topic if student scores warrant it. Additionally, activities like research papers or presentations graded on a rubric contain both the learning activity as well as the assessment. If students complete sections or drafts of the paper and receive grades or feedback along the way, this activity also serves as a formative assessment for learning while serving as a summative assessment upon completion.

    Source : University at Buffalo : Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation

    Task and Test

    1. After read the article above, try to answer the quiz below
    2. Make a conclusion by leaving comment in this article!
      1. Write your comment in bahasa Indonesia and do not copy paste your Friend Task.
      2. Any Copy Paste Comment will reward zero point for the second comment.
      3. Leave information about your name and SRN in your comment.

    Designing Assessments

  • Reading Articles: Water Anomaly

    Reading Articles: Water Anomaly

    Water has a number of exceptional properties, which distinguish it from other fluids. One is the anomaly of density.

    The Behaviour of Water at Different Temperatures

    Usually, substances expand when they are heated. But if you heat water starting at 0°C, you will notice something weird: At first, the volume of the liquid does not get bigger, but smaller! Up to a temperature of 4°C, the water contracts when heated.

    Once it has reached that temperature, it starts to expand with increasing temperature just like other fluids. That means water has a higher density at 4°C than at any other temperature.

    Why does ice need more space than cold water?

    When cooling down below 4°C, water expands. When it freezes at 0°C, the volume increases once again. This unusual behaviour has something to do with the structure of solid and liquid water: In the liquid, the molecules can move relatively freely, whereas in ice, they assemble into regular structures with big hollow spaces in between, which require more space.

    Since ice has a lower density than water, it floats on the water. You know this from ice cubes in a drink or from icebergs floating in the sea.

    The Anomaly Determines Life on Earth!

    Thanks to the anomaly, fish can survive in stretches of standing water in winter! Since water with a temperature of 4°C is heavier than colder water, it sinks downwards. Therefore, it is warmer on the bottom of the lake than on the surface. On top it is the coldest.

    As a result, the lake starts to freeze from the top to the bottom, and the warmer layers of water beneath the sheet of ice cool down considerably more slowly and remain liquid. There, the aquatic animals can spend the winter. If the water froze from the bottom to the top, soon the whole water would have frozen and the fish would have no chance to survive!

    The anomaly also has its drawbacks, though:

    If water is enclosed in a closed vessel, it still expands while freezing and may develop such forces that it bursts the vessel. Water enclosed in rock cracks is even able to break up the rock, and therefore plays an important role in the erosion process. In the same way, frost damage is caused on the streets when water seeps into the cracks of the road surface and freezes.

    Water must also be prevented, from freezing in water pipes during winter, since otherwise the pipes burst.

    Activities Task

    1. Make a resume about the article in Bahasa Indonesia which contain information based reading objectives!
    2. Find out a specifics physics vocabulary and explain what do those words mean!
    3. Find out the Physics quantities and write the units of its quantities!

    Complete Sentences

    1. The system of deep ocean currents that is the result of these changes in density is known as the global conveyor belt
    2. This denser water begins to sink to the bottom of the ocean, while surface water moves in to replace it, generating a current
  • Why Does a Ship Float in Water?

    Why Does a Ship Float in Water?

    When I jump into a swimming pool, I sink like a stone unless I flail about wildly, but when the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier – which is just a tad bigger and tad heavier than I am – jumps into the ocean, it floats with no effort whatsoever. What’s going on? Let’s wonder a bit about the science of floating.

    Some big, heavy things – like the USS Enterprise – float in water. Some small, light things, like a ball bearing, don’t. So size doesn’t determine whether something floats, and neither does weight. Let’s start by identifying what causes something to float or not.

    Everything on Earth, whether on the surface or under water, has the weight of everything higher up pushing down on it.

    Everything on Earth, whether on the surface or under water, has the weight of everything higher up pushing down on it. Yes, right now as you read this, the weight of all of the air above you, right up to the top of the atmosphere, is pushing down and in on you. The resulting force is about 14.7 pounds on every square inch of your body. 14.7 pounds per square inch, or psi, is the normal, average atmospheric pressure on the Earth.

    If you dive down into water, you’ll not only have the weight of the air up above pushing in on you, but the weight of all of the water above you as well. Water is relatively heavy – go down just 30 feet and the weight of the water per square inch on your body will equal the weight of the hundreds of miles of air above you. 

    Why doesn’t the weight of all that air and water push you down, down, down, after you dive into a swimming pool? The answer is simply that the water below you is pushing up

    There you are, underneath the surface in a swimming pool. Water wants to be where you are – your body has displaced a whole lot of it. If you suddenly disappeared, water would rush in to fill the space. It is the force of that potential “rushing in” that results in a force acting against the weight of the air and water above you.

    This is the buoyant force. The buoyant force depends on how much water an object displaces. The larger the object, the greater the buoyant force it experiences. Ah, but will that object float? 

    An object floats when the buoyant force is large enough to counter the object’s weight. So a large hollow object might float because large means more water displaced – so more buoyant force – and hollow means relatively little weight. A small solid object might not float, however. Less water displaced results in a smaller buoyant force. If that buoyant force isn’t enough to counter the weight of the object, it will sink. 

    So yes, the USS Enterprise weighs far more than I do. But the weight of the water it displaces is more than the weight of the aircraft carrier, so it floats. Me, I weigh more than the water I displace, so I sink.

    Activities Task

    1. Make a resume about the article in Bahasa Indonesia which contain information based reading objectives!
    2. Find out a specifics physics vocabulary and explain what do those words mean!
    3. Find out the Physics quantities and write the units of its quantities!

    Complete Sentences

    1. The system of deep ocean currents that is the result of these changes in density is known as the global conveyor belt
    2. This denser water begins to sink to the bottom of the ocean, while surface water moves in to replace it, generating a current
  • Pressure and Pascal Law in Statics Fluids

    Pressure and Pascal Law in Statics Fluids

    Ahmad Dahlan – Matter is normally classified as being in one of three states: solid, liquid, or gas. From everyday experience we know that a solid has a definite volume and shape, a liquid has a definite volume but no definite shape, and an unconfined gas has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape. These descriptions help us picture the states of matter, but they are somewhat artificial. For example, asphalt and plastics are normally considered solids, but over long time intervals they tend to flow like liquids.

    Likewise, most substances can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas (or a combination of any of these three), depending on the temperature and pressure. In general, the time interval required for a particular substance to change its shape in response to an external force determines whether we treat the substance as a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

    A fluid is a collection of molecules that are randomly arranged and held together by weak cohesive forces and by forces exerted by the walls of a container. Both liquids and gases are fluids.

    In our treatment of the mechanics of fluids, we’ll be applying principles and analysis models that we have already discussed. First, we consider the mechanics of a fluid at rest, that is, fluid statics, and then study fluids in motion, that is, fluid dynamics.

    A. Pressure

    Fluids do not sustain shearing stresses or tensile stresses. therefore, the only stress that can be exerted on an object submerged in a static fluid is one that tends to compress the object from all sides. In other words, the force exerted by a static fluid on an object is always perpendicular to the surfaces of the object as shown in Figure 1.

    PRessure in Fluid Mecanics Newton
    Figure 1 – The forces exerted by a fluid on the surfaces of a submerged object.

    The pressure in a fluid can be measured with the device pictured in Figure 2. The device consists of an evacuated cylinder that encloses a light piston connected to a spring.

    Alat Ukur Tekanan Fluida
    Figure 2 – A simple device for measuring the pressure exerted by a fluid.

    As the device is submerged in a fluid, the fluid presses on the top of the piston and compresses the spring until the inward force exerted by the fluid is balanced by the outward force exerted by the spring. The fluid pressure can be measured directly if the spring is calibrated in advance. If F is the magnitude of the force exerted on the piston and A is the surface area of the piston, the pressure P of the fluid at the level to which the device has been submerged is defined as the ratio of the force to the area:

    P = \frac{F}{A}

    Pressure is a scalar quantity because it is proportional to the magnitude of the force on the piston.

    If the pressure varies over an area, the infinitesimal force dF on an infinitesimal surface element of area dA is :

    dF = P dA

    where P is the pressure at the location of the area dA. To calculate the total force exerted on a surface of a container, we must integrate Equation 2 over the surface.

    The units of pressure are newtons per square meter (N/m2) in the SI system.
    Another name for the SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa):

    1 Pa = 1 N/m2

    For a tactile demonstration of the definition of pressure, hold a tack between your thumb and forefinger, with the point of the tack on your thumb and the head of the tack on your forefinger. Now gently press your thumb and forefinger together. Your thumb will begin to feel pain immediately while your forefinger will not. The tack is exerting the same force on both your thumb and forefinger, but the pressure on your thumb is much larger because of the small area over which the force is applied.

    B. Variation of Pressure with Depth

    As divers well know, water pressure increases with depth. Likewise, atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude; for this reason, aircraft flying at high altitudes must have pressurized cabins for the comfort of the passengers. We now show how the pressure in a liquid increases with depth.

    The density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit volume. The densities of various substances values vary slightly with temperature because the volume of a substance is dependent on temperature. Under standard conditions (at 0oC and at atmospheric pressure), the densities of gases are about 10-3 the densities of solids and liquids. This difference in densities implies that the average molecular spacing in a gas under these conditions is about ten times greater than that in a solid or liquid.

    Now consider a liquid of density ρ at rest as shown in Figure 3. We assume ρ is uniform throughout the liquid, which means the liquid is incompressible.

    Tekanan pada Fluida Statis
    Figura 3 – A parcel of fluid in a larger volume of fluid is singled out.

    Let us select a parcel of the liquid contained within an imaginary block of cross-sectional area A extending from depth d to depth d + h. The liquid external to our parcel exerts forces at all points on the surface of the parcel, perpendicular to the surface. The pressure exerted by the liquid on the bottom face of the parcel is P, and the pressure on the top face is P0.

    Therefore, the upward force exerted by the outside fluid on the bottom of the parcel has a magnitude PA, and the downward force exerted on the top has a magnitude P0A. The mass of liquid in the parcel is Mg = ρV = ρAh; therefore, the weight of the liquid in the parcel is Mg = ρAhg. Because the parcel is at rest and remains at rest, it can be modeled as a particle in equilibrium, so that the net force acting on it must be zero. Choosing upward to be the positive y direction, we see that :

    \Sigma \vec{F} = PA \hat{j} - P_oA \hat{j} - Mg \hat{j} = 0


    PA - P_oA - \rho Ahg = 0
    P=P_oA - \rho gh

    That is, the pressure P at a depth h below a point in the liquid at which the pressure is P0 is greater by an amount ρgh. If the liquid is open to the atmosphere and P0 is the pressure at the surface of the liquid, then P0 is atmospheric pressure. In our calculations and working of end-of-chapter problems, we usually take atmospheric pressure to be :

    P0 = 1.00 atm = 1.013 x 105 Pa

    P = P0A + ρgh implies that the pressure is the same at all points having the same depth, independent of the shape of the container.

    Because the pressure in a fluid depends on depth and on the value of P0, any increase in pressure at the surface must be transmitted to every other point in the fluid. This concept was first recognized by French scientist Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) and is called Pascal’s law: a change in the pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted undiminished to every point of the fluid and to the walls of the container.

    An important application of Pascal’s law is the hydraulic press illustrated
    in Figure 4a. A force of magnitude F1 is applied to a small piston of surface area A1. The pressure is transmitted through an incompressible liquid to a larger piston of surface area A2. Because the pressure must be the same on both sides :

    \frac{F_1}{A_1} = \frac{F_2}{A_2}

    Therefore, the force F2 is greater than the force F1 by a factor of A2/A1. By designing a hydraulic press with appropriate areas A1 and A2, a large output force can be applied by means of a small input force. Hydraulic brakes, car lifts, hydraulic jacks, and forklifts all make use of this principle.

    Tekanan Hidrostatis
    Figure 4

    Because liquid is neither added to nor removed from the system, the volume of liquid pushed down on the left in Figure 4a as the piston moves downward through a displacement Δx1 equals the volume of liquid pushed up on the right as the right piston moves upward through a displacement Δx2.

    That is, A1 Δx1 = A2 Δx2 therefore A2/A1 = Δx1/Δx2. We have already shown that A2/A1 = F2/F1. Therefore F2/F1 = Δx1/Δx2, so F1Δx1 = F2Δx2.

    Each side of this equation is the work done by the force on its respective piston. Therefore, the work done by F1 on the input piston equals the work done by F2 on the output piston, as it must to conserve energy. (The process
    can be modeled as a special case of the non-isolated system model: the non-isolated system in steady state. There is energy transfer into and out of the system, but these energy transfers balance, so that there is no net change in the energy of the system.

    Source : Serwey & Jewet. (2014). Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics

  • Fluids English Subject Matter

    Fluids English Subject Matter

    AhmadDahlan.NET – Fluids ESM will be focus to discuss Fluids for Senior High Schools Matter base on Based on Permendikbud Republik Indonesia No. 37 Tahun 2018.

    The subject are :

    1. Applying static fluids laws in daily activity
    2. Applying the Dynamic fluids principle in technology
    3. Designing experiment based on statics fluid law and principle

    Esm Objectives :

    1. Student are expected to be able to conduct a short article with 500 and 700 words
      1. Archimedes Law (1st-2nd week)
      2. Statics Fluids (3th-4th week)
      3. Ideal Fluids (5th-6th week)
    2. Student are expected to be able to make a short explanation video about Fluids topic for 3 – 5 minutes.
      1. Choose on of these topics : Fluids, Hydrostatics Pressure, or the History of Torricelli (7th-9th week)
    3. Student are expected to be able to make a simple fluids experiment guidance (10th-12th week)

    In order to achieve the Objectives, student are order to

    1. Conducts a fluid summary about fluid (topic is Coming soon!!!)
    2. Records your self explaining about fluid topic (topic is Coming soon!!!)
    3. Make or translating a fluid experiment guidance (topic is Coming soon!!!)

    Temporary Attendance List

  • Thermodynamics English Subject Matter

    Thermodynamics English Subject Matter

    AhmadDahlan.NET – Due to the Covid-19 Pandemics, Thermodynamics ESM are not allowed to be conducted in physical classroom, so that all of activities will be conducted online. Our class will be conduct on two models, those are asynchronous and online meeting.

    ESM Objectives :

    1. Student are expected to translate Indonesia Article about Thermodynamics topics into English Article
    2. Student are expected to be able explaining Thermodynamics Subject
    3. Student are expected to make summary of Thermodynamics article

    In order to achieve the ESM Objectives, you are order to

    1. Translating the article Bellow
      1. Hukum Gas dan Temperature Mutlak (1st – 2nd week) – one week for making and collecting the translation and one week for revising
      2. Hukum II Termodinamika (3rd – 4th week) – one week for making and collecting the translation and one week for revising
    2. Record your self explaining about Thermodynamics topic.
      1. Choose one of these topics : Global Warming, Heat Transfer, or the History of Fahrenheit Scale
      2. Make a transcript of your video content (5th – 6th week) – one week for making and collecting the transcript and one week for revising
      3. Make the Video and upload it on youtube, than collect the link. (7th – 8th week)
    3. Coming soon!!!

    Attedance List

    Please fill up this form : Weekly Attendance List