Contoh Soal Ujian HOTs Fisika Bentuk Pilihan Ganda

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda

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Soal No. 1

Menurut hukum Stefan-Boltzmann, intensitas radiasi yang dipancarkan oleh benda hitam sebanding dengan pangkat empat dari suhu mutlaknya. Daya pancaran radiasi tersebut dinyatakan dengan persamaan 

P = eσAT4

Dimana P adalah daya radiasi, e merupakan nilai emisivitas (e = 1 untuk benda hitam), A adalah luas permukaan benda hitam, T adalah suhu mutlak benda, dan k merupakan konstanta Stefan-Boltzmann. Dimensi konstanta Stefan-Boltzmann pada formula daya radiasi tersebut adalah …

A. [M][T]-3[θ]
B. [M][T]-3[θ]4
C. [M][L][T]-3[θ]4
D. [M][L]2[T]-3[θ]
E. [M][L]2[T]-3[θ]4

Soal No. 2

Budi melakukan perjalanan ke sebuah tempat menggunakan mobil. Mobil tersebut berjalan lurus ke arah utara sejauh 3 km, berbelok ke timur sejauh 4 km, kemudian berbelok kembali ke utara sejauh 3 km, dan terakhir berbelok ke barat sejauh 12 km. Jika Budi berangkat pada pukul 09.00 dan sampai di tempat tujuan pukul 09.45, maka kecepatan rata-rata mobil Budi adalah mendekati nilai …

A. 7,5 km/jam.
B. 10 km/jam.
C. 13 km/jam.
D. 29 km/jam.
E. 36 km/jam.

Soal No. 3

Dani mengendarai motor dengan kecepatan 45 km/jam. Secara tiba-tiba, kucing yang berada 3 meter di depan Dani menyeberang dan berhenti di tengah jalan. Dani terkejut dan mengerem dengan perlambatan 10 m/s2. Pernyataan yang tepat adalah …

A. Motor Dani akan berhenti dalam waktu 3 detik.
B. Dani akan berhenti tanpa menabrak kucing.
C. Jika kucing tidak bergerak, kucing akan tertabrak oleh Dani.
D. Motor Dani berhenti setelah menempuh jarak 2,8125 m.
E. Motor Dani berhenti setelah menempuh jarak 5,8125 m.

Soal No. 4

Mobil polisi bergerak dengan kecepatan 72 km/h sambil membunyikan sirine berfrekwensi 1.400 Hz. Di belakang mobil polisi terdapat pengendara sepeda motor yang bergerak dengan kecepatan 54 km/h searah mobil polisi. Cepat rambat bunyi di udara saat itu 330 m/s, maka besar frekwensi sirine mobil polisi yang di dengar pengendara sepeda motor adalah …

A. 1.240 Hz
B. 1.380 Hz
C. 1.420 Hz
D. 1.450 Hz
E. 1.558 Hz

Soal No. 5

Pada sebuah eksperimen interferensi celah ganda digunakan cahaya hijau dengan panjang gelombang 5000 Ao (1 Ao =10−10 m) dan cahaya violet yang panjang gelombangnya 4000 Ao . Saat menggunakan cahaya hijau dengan jarak antar celah dd, pola interferensi terbentuk pada layar yang berjarak L dari celah ganda. Saat digunakan cahaya violet, layar diatur agar jarak pita terang pertama dari terang pusat sama dengan ketika disinari cahaya hijau. Agar hal tersebut tercapai, maka jarak celah ke layar harus dijadikan …

A. 5.00 L
B. 3.00 L
C. 1,25 L
D. 0,75 L
D. 0,25 L

Soal No. 6

Satelit Helios 1 dan Helios 2 mengorbit bumi dengan perbandingan jari-jari orbitnya 4 : 9 serta perbandingan massa Helios 1 dan Helios 2 adalah 4 : 9. Jika lintasan orbit satelit tersebut melingkar maka perbandingan periode satelit Helios 1 dan Helios 2 adalah ….

A. 4 : 9
B. 4 : 27
C. 8 : 27
D. 27 : 4
E. 27 : 8

Soal No. 7

Sebuah truk yang sedang bergerak dengan kecepatan 10 m/s ditabrak oleh sebuah mobil yang sedang berjalan dengan kecepatan 20 m/s. Setelah tabrakan kedua mobil itu berpadu satu sama lain. Jika massa truk 1400 kg dan massa mobil 600 kg, kecepatan kedua kendaraan setelah tabrakan adalah …

A. 6 m/s
B. 9 m/s
C. 11 m/s
D. 13 m/s
E. 17 m/s

Soal No. 8

Seseorang bermassa 50 kg memanjat sebuah pohon durian hingga ketinggian 4 meter. Untuk mencapai
ketinggian itu orang tersebut memerlukan waktu 8 detik, maka daya yang dibutuhkan orang tersebut agar dapat memanjat pohon itu (g = 10 m/s2) adalah …

A. 20 watt
B. 25 watt
C. 200 watt
D. 250 watt
E. 2.500 watt

Soal No. 9

Sebuah bola pada permainan softball bermassa 0,15 kg dilempar horizontal ke kanan dengan kelajuan 20 m/s. Setelah dipukul, bola bergerak ke kiri dengan kelajuan 20 m/s. Impuls yang diberikan oleh kayu pemukul pada bola adalah ….

A. 3 Ns
B. –3 Ns
C. 6 Ns
D. –6 Ns
E. nol

Soal No. 10

Tiga buah kapasitor C1, C2, dan C3, dengan kapasitas masing-masing 2 µF, 3 µF, dan 6 µF disusun seri, kemudian dihubungkan dengan sumber muatan sehingga kapasitor C3 mempunyai beda potensial (tegangan) sebesar 4 volt. Energi yang tersimpan pada kapasitor C2 adalah ….

A. 3 µJ
B. 4 µJ
C. 8 µJ
D. 12 µJ
E. 24 µJ

Soal No. 11

Sebuah transformator step down dengan efisiensi 80% mengubah tegangan 1000 volt menjadi 220 volt. Transformator tersebut digunakan untuk menyalakan lampu 220 watt. Besar arus pada bagian primer adalah …

A. 2,750 A
B. 2,000 A
C. 1,250 A
D. 1,000 A
E. 0,275 A

Soal No. 12

Pernyataan di bawah yang menunjukkan kelemahan dari teori atom Rutherford adalah ….

A. Atom dari suatu unsur tidak bisa berubah menjadi unsur lain
B. Atom mempunyai muatan positif yang terbagi merata keseluruhan isi atom
C. Atom-atom suatu unsur semuanya serupa
D. Atom terdiri dari inti atom yang bermuatan positif
E. Tidak dapat menjelaskan spektrum garis dari atom hidrogen

Soal No. 13

Sebuah belokan jalan datar dirancang untuk dilalui mobil dengan kecepatan maksimum 10 ms–1. Diketahui koefisien gesekan antara ban dan jalan 0,5 dan jari-jari ke lengkungan jalan R m. Maka nilai R adalah … (g = 10 ms–2)

A. 7,5 meter
B. 8,0 meter
C. 10 meter
D. 15 meter
E. 20 meter

Soal No. 14

Pada sebuah lampu pijar tertulis 100 W, 220 V, apabila lampu tersebut dipasang pada tegangan X volt, maka daya disipasi lampu ternyata hanya 25 watt. Berdasarkan informasi di atas, maka besar nilai X adalah …

A. 100 Volt
B. 110 Volt
C. 150 Volt
D. 200 Volt
E. 220 Volt

Soal No. 15

Seberkas cahaya yang melalui kisi difraksi dengan K celah/cm menghasilkan spektrum garis terang orde kedua yang membentuk sudut 30° terhadap garis normalnya. Jika panjang gelombang cahaya yang digunakan 5 × 10–7 meter, maka nilai K adalah …

A. 1.000 garis/cm
B. 2.000 garis/cm
C. 4.000 garis/cm
D. 5.000 garis/cm
E. 6.000 garis/cm

Soal No. 16

Jarak dua lampu sebuah mobil 122 cm. Panjang gelombang rata-rata cahaya yang dipancarkan kedua lampu mobil itu 500 nm. Jika nyala kedua lampu itu diamati oleh seseorang yang diameter pupil matanya 2 mm, maka jarak maksimum mobil dengan orang tersebut supaya nyala kedua lampu masih tampak terpisah adalah …

A. 2.000 meter
B. 3.000 meter
C. 6.000 meter
D. 4.000 meter
E. 9.000 meter

Soal No. 17

Gelas berisi 200 gram air bersuhu 20°C dimasukkan 50 gram es bersuhu -2°C. Jika hanya terjadi pertukaran kalor antara air dan es saja, setelah terjadi kesetimbangan akan diperoleh …
(cair= 1 kal/grK, ces= 0;5 kal/grK, L = 80 kal/gr)

A. seluruh es mencair dan suhunya di atas 0°C
B. seluruh es mencair dan suhunya 0°C
C. tidak seluruh es mencair dan suhunya 0°C
D. suhu seluruh sistem di bawah 0°C
E. sebagian air membeku dan suhu sistem 0°C

Soal No. 18

Seorang anak sedang bermain-main di atas bidang licin es seolah mengikuti penari balet. Ketika anak tersebut melipat kedua tangannya, momen inersia anak bernilai 3,2 kg.m2 dan berputar dengan kecepatan sudut 5 rad/s. Jika anak ingin berputar dengan kecepatan sudut 1 rad/s, anak tersebut harus merentangkan tangan sehingga momen inersia anak sebesar …

A. 0,8 kg.m2
B. 1,6 kg.m2
C. 8,0 kg.m2
D. 12 kg.m2
E. 16 kg.m2

Soal No. 19

Dua buah gabus mengapung di permukaan air yang membentuk gelombang. Ketika gabus pertama berada di puncak gelombang, gabus kedua berada di puncak gelombang lainnya. Gabus pertama dan kedua terpisah sejauh 50 cm dan terdapat satu puncak gelombang lain di antara keduanya. Kedua gabus bergerak naik dan turun dengan frekuensi 20 Hz. Cepat rambat gelombang tersebut adalah …

A. 0,5 m/s
B. 1,0 m/s
C. 2,5 m/s
D. 5,0 m/s
E. 10 m/s

Soal No. 20

Lima ratus gram es balok bersuhu -10oC sedang berusaha dicairkan secepat mungkin dengan menuangkan 500 gram air bersuhu 80oC. Setelah mencapai kesetimbangan, ternyata masih ada sebagian es yang belum mencair. Es yang belum mencair dipindahkan ke wadah X dan kembali dituangkan 250 gram suatu zat cair bersuhu 50oC. Jika kalor jenis zat cair tersebut adalah 0,57 kal/g oC, suhu akhir cairan di wadah X sebesar …

A. 0 oC
B. 7 oC
C. 17 oC
D. 27 oC
E. 37 oC

Soal No. 21

Sebuah benda berbentuk kubus terbuat dari bahan yang memiliki massa jenis 0,25 g/cm3. Benda tersebut mengapung di atas cairan X dengan massa jenis 0,9 g/cm3. Dani ingin agar benda kubus melayang di dalam cairan X, sehingga Dani menambahkan benda dengan massa jenis 5 g/cm3 di atas benda kubus. Jika rusuk kubus sebesar 5 cm, berat benda yang harus diletakkan di atas benda kubus sebesar …

A. 0,99 N
B. 1,68 N
C. 2,20 N
D. 3,20 N
E. 5,20 N

Soal No. 22

Benda A bergerak dengan kecepatan 5 m/s ke arah kanan menabrak benda B yang bergerak berlawanan arah dengan benda A dengan kecepatan 8 m/s. Massa benda A dua kali lebih besar dari massa benda B. Jika setelah tabrakan, benda A bergerak ke kiri dengan kecepatan 2 m/s, pernyataan yang benar adalah …

A. Tumbukan yang terjadi antara benda A dan benda B adalah lenting sempurna.
B. Tumbukan yang terjadi antara benda A dan benda B adalah tidak lenting sempurna.
C. Tumbukan yang terjadi antara benda A dan benda B adalah tidak lenting sama sekali.
D. Tumbukan yang terjadi antara benda A dan benda B memiliki koefisien restitusi 0,6.
E. Tumbukan yang terjadi antara benda A dan benda B memiliki koefisien restitusi 0,8.

Soal No. 23

Sebuah mobil polisi bergerak dengan kecepatan 20 m/s sambil membunyikan sirine berfrekuensi 1.050 Hz. Sementara itu, seorang pengendara motor bergerak di belakang mobil polisi dengan kecepatan 10 m/s km/jam searah dengan mobil polisi. Cepat rambat bunyi di udara saat itu adalah 330 m/s, maka frekuensi sirine yang didengar oleh pengendara motor adalah …

A. 1.010 Hz
B. 1.020 Hz
C. 1.030 Hz
D. 1.050 Hz
E. 1.060 Hz

Soal No. 24

Sebuah bola golf bermassa 0,25 kg dipukul hingga melesat meninggalkan stik dengan kelajuan 60 m/s. Jika selang waktu kontak antara stik dan bola 0,03 s, besarnya gaya rata-rata yang dikerjakan stik adalah …

A. 500 N
B. 400 N
C. 300 N
D. 200 N
E. 100 N

Soal No. 25

Benda bermassa 12 kg terletak pada bidang miring yang licin dan sangat panjang dengan sudut kemiringan 30 terhadap bidang horizontal (g = 10 m/s2). Jika benda tersebut dipengaruhi gaya F = 84 N sejajar bidang miring ke arah puncak selama 10 s, maka jarak yang ditempuh benda itu adalah …

A. 40 m
B. 100 m
C. 124 m
D. 140 m
E. 640 m

Soal No. 27

Dua buah roda A dan B dengan jumlah geriginya berturut-turut 20 dan 50 diletakkan bersinggungan sehingga masing-masing roda gigi berpasangan. Jika roda A berputar 50 kali dalam satu sekon, kecepatan anguler roda B adalah ….

A. 100 π rad/s
B. 100 rad/s
C. 50 π rad/s
D. 50 rad/s
E. 40 π rad/s

Soal No. 28

Peluru ditembakan dengan sudut elevasi, dan kecepatan awalnya seperti gambar disamping. Jarak horizontal pada ketinggian yang sama ketika peluru ditembakan (R) adalah ….
(sin 600 = 0,87 dan g = 10 m.s-2)

A. 180 m
B. 360 m
C. 870 m
D. 900 m
E. 940 m

56 tanggapan untuk “Contoh Soal Ujian HOTs Fisika Bentuk Pilihan Ganda”

  1. Avatar Seprianty

    Nama : Seprianty
    Nim. : 200103511013
    1. Memilih satu soal diatas kemudian dibawah ke dalam bahasa Inggris
    No. 27
    Two wheels A and B with the number of teeth 20 and 50 respectively one placed tangent so that each gear is paired. If wheel A rotates 50 Times in one second, what is the angular speed of wheel B?
    A. 100 π rad/s
    B. 100 rad/s
    C. 50 π rad/s
    D. 50 rad/s
    E. 40 π rad/s

      1. Avatar Nurlinda Nompo


        “With the number of teeth”

    1. Avatar Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi
      Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi

      Two wheels A and B with the number of teeth 20 and 50, respectively, are placed so that each gear is in a pair. If wheel A rotates 50 times in one second, the angular velocity of wheel B is ….

    2. Avatar PUTRI AMELIA

      Two wheels A and B with the number of 20 and 50 respectively one placed tangent so that each gear is paired. If wheel A rotates 50 Times in every second, the angular speed of wheel B is?

  2. Avatar FUTRI HAKIKI R


    Question Number 24

    A golf ball of mass 0.25 kg is hit so that it shoots off the stick with a speed of 60 m/s. If the contact time between the stick and the ball is 0.03 s, the average force exerted by the stick is…

    A. 500 N
    B. 400 N
    C. 300 N
    D. 200 N
    E. 100 N

    1. Avatar Annisa Idrulya Salsabila
      Annisa Idrulya Salsabila

      perbaikan :
      A golf ball of mass is hit off the tee at a golf club with a speed of 60 m/s. The golf club was in contact with the ball for 0,03 s. find the average force exerted on the ball by the golf club

    2. Avatar Nur Aisyah
      Nur Aisyah

      In my opinion, maybe “a golf ball of mass 0.25 kg” could change to be “a golf ball *that has a mass of* 0.25 kg”

    3. Avatar Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi
      Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi

      A golf ball of mass 0.25 kg is hit until it leaves the club with a speed of 60 m/s. If the contact time between the club and the ball is 0.03 s, the average force exerted by the club is…

    4. Avatar PUTRI AMELIA

      A golf ball has mass 0.25 kg is hit so that it shoots off the stick with velocity of 60 m/s. If the contact time between the stick and the ball is 0.03 s, the average force exerted by the stick is…

  3. Avatar Aqil Marwan
    Aqil Marwan

    Aqil Marwan (200103512002)

    The distance between two lights of a car is 122 cm. The average wavelength of the second emitted light
    the headlight of the car is 500 nm. If the flame of the two lights is observed by a person whose pupil diameter is 2 mm, then the maximum distance between the car and the person so that the flames of the two lights still appear separate is…

    A. 2,000 meters
    B. 3,000 meters
    C. 6,000 meters
    D. 4,000 meters
    E. 9,000 meters

    1. Avatar Futri Hakiki R
      Futri Hakiki R

      Sorry in advance, according to the material in the fourth article which contains 12 rules for making multiple choice questions. It would be nice if the multiple choice questions were made in the form of questions, not statements or entries. Thank you

  4. Avatar Zulfiah Abdullah
    Zulfiah Abdullah

    A child was frolicking on a slippery field of ice as if following a ballet dancer. When the child folds his hands together, the child’s moment of inertia is worth 3.2 kg.m2 and rotates at an angular speed of 5 rad/s. If the child wants to rotate at an angular velocity of 1 rad/s, the child must spread their arms so that the child’s moment of inertia is as large as…
    A. 0,8 kg.m²
    B. 1,6 kg.m²
    C. 8,0 kg.m²
    D. 12 kg.m²
    E. 16 kg.m²

    1. Avatar Zulfiah Abdullah
      Zulfiah Abdullah

      Nama : Zulfiah Abdullah
      Nim : 200103511011

    2. Avatar Zulfiah Abdullah
      Zulfiah Abdullah

      Question number 18🙏

  5. Avatar Rosdiana

    Nama: Rosdiana
    Nim : 200103510006

    14. On an incandescent lamp it says 100 W, 220 V, if the lamp is installed at a voltage of X volts, then the lamp’s power dissipation is only 25 watts. Based on the information above, the value of X is …
    A. 100 Volt
    B. 110 Volt
    C. 150 Volt
    D. 200 Volt
    E. 220 Volt

  6. Avatar Murni

    A bullet is fired at an angle of elevation, with an initial velocity as shown in the following figure. Then the horizontal distance at the same height when the bullet is fired (R) is….
    (sin 60° = 0.87 and g = 10 m.s-²)

    A. 180 m
    B. 360 m
    C. 870 m
    D. 900 m
    E. 940 m

    1. Avatar Murni

      Nama : Murni
      NIM : 20013510002 🙏

  7. Avatar Andi Fatur Rahmat
    Andi Fatur Rahmat

    Andi Fatur Rahmat

    22. Object A moving at 5 m/s to the right and hits object B which is moving in the opposite direction to object A at 8 m/s. The mass of object A is twice as large as the mass of object B. If after the collision,object A moves to the left with a speed of 2 m/s, the right statement is….

    A. The collision between object A and object B is perfect
    B. The collision between object A and object B is not perfectly collisional.
    C. The collision between object A and object B is not bouncy at all.
    D. The collision between object A and object B has a coefficient of restitution of 0,6.
    E. The collision between object A and object B has a coefficient of restitution of 0,8.

  8. Avatar Rahmianti Bakri
    Rahmianti Bakri

    Name : Rahmianti Bakri
    NIM : 200103512007

    25. Object with mass 12 kg located on inclined plane slippery one and very long with tilt angle 30 to horizontal plane (g = 10 m/s²). If that thing influenced by a force F = 84 N parallel inclined plane towards a peak durung 10 s, so distance taken that thing is …
    A. 40 m
    B. 100 m
    C. 124 m
    D. 140 m
    E. 640 m

  9. Avatar Nur Aisyah
    Nur Aisyah

    A ball in a softball game has a mass of 15 kg thrown horizontally to the right with a velocity of 20 m/s. After getting hit, the balls move to the left with a velocity of 20 m/s. The impulse given by the bat on the ball is?
    a. 3
    b. -3
    c. 6
    d. -6
    e. 0

  10. Avatar Rifaatul Mahmudah

    Rifaatul Mahmudah

    15. A beam of light through a diffraction grating with K a fissure/cm produce its spectrum bright stripes second order that forms a corner 30º against a line normally. If wavelengths of light that used 5 x 10^(-7) meters, then the value of K is …
    A. 1.000 line/cm
    B. 2.000 line/cm
    C. 4.000 line/cm
    D. 5.000 line/cm
    E. 6.000 line/cm

  11. Avatar Putri Tartillah Pratiwi AB
    Putri Tartillah Pratiwi AB

    Name : Putri Tartillah Pratiwi AB
    ID : 200103511003

    Question Number 12
    The statement below that shows the weakness of Rutherford’s atomic theory is ….
    A. Atoms of an element cannot be transformed into other elements
    B. Atoms have a positive charge that divides the entire content of the atom.
    C. The atoms of an element are all similar
    D. Atoms consist of positively charged atomic nuclei
    E. Unable to explain the line spectrum of hydrogen atoms

  12. Avatar Anggun Devita
    Anggun Devita

    Nama: Anggun Devita
    Nim : 200103512010

    Question number 7

    a truck which is moving with speed 10 m/s being hit by a car which is moving with speed 20 m/s. After crash both of the car combined each other. If the mass truck 1400 kg and mass car 600 kg, the speed of truck and car after crashing is…
    a. 6 m/s
    b. 9 m/s
    c. 11 m/s
    d. 13 m/s
    e. 17 m/s

  13. Avatar Zarkia Fatna Dillah
    Zarkia Fatna Dillah

    Nama: Zarkia Fatna Dillah
    NIM: 200103511002

    5. In a double slit interference experiment, green light has a wavelength of 5000 Ao (1 Ao = 10−10 m) 5000 Ao (1 Ao=10−10 m) and violet light has a wavelength of 4000 Ao. When using green light with a gap of dd between slits, an interference pattern is formed on the screen that is spaced l from the double slit. When using violet light, the screen is adjusted so that the distance of the first bright band from the center light is the same as when exposed to green light. In order for this to be achieved, the distance between the gap to the screen must be made …

    A. 5.00 L
    B. 3.00 L
    C. 1,25 L
    D. 0,75 L
    E. 0,25 L

  14. Avatar Revalinda Darwis
    Revalinda Darwis

    Revalinda Darwis

    Question Number 4

    A police car is moving at 72 km/h and emitting a siren with a 1,400 Hz frequency. A motorbike rider is following the police car and moving toward it at a speed of 54 km/h. The speed of sound in the air at that time was 330 m/s, so the frequency of police car sirens heard by motorcyclists was …

    A. 1.240 Hz
    B. 1.380 Hz
    C. 1.420 Hz
    D. 1.450 Hz
    E. 1.558 Hz

  15. Avatar Seprianty

    Nama : Seprianty
    Nim. : 200103511013
    Number 27.
    Two wheel fruit A and B with number of teeth consecutive 20 and 50 placed touch so that each wheel paired teeth. If wheel A rotate 50 Times in one second, speed angular wheel B is…
    A. 100 π rad/s
    B. 100 rad/s
    C. 50 π rad/s
    D. 50 rad/s
    E. 40 π rad/s

    Demikianlah jawaban saya pak, mohon maaf sebelumnya pak saya ulang pekerjaan saya karena ada kesalahan pengerjaan saya diatas. Terima kasih

  16. Avatar Azizah Azzahrah
    Azizah Azzahrah

    A person of 50 kg mass climbs a durian tree to a height of 4 meters. To achieve the height of the person takes 8 seconds, then the power required for the person to climb the tree (g = 10 m/s2) is …
    A. 20 watt
    B. 25 watt
    C. 200 watt
    D. 250 watt
    E. 2.500 watt

  17. Avatar Alya Noer Jafar
    Alya Noer Jafar

    Nama: Alya Noer Jafar
    Nim: 200103511007

    Five hundred grams of ice cubes at -10°C are melted as quickly as possible by pouring 500 grams of water at 80°C. After reaching it, it turns out that there is still some that has not melted. Ice that has not been transferred to container X and returned 250 grams of a liquid at 50°C. If the specific heat of the liquid is 0.57 cal/g °C, the final temperature of the liquid in container X is…


  18. Avatar Sri Rahayu Atikah Arsyad
    Sri Rahayu Atikah Arsyad

    Nama : Sri Rahayu Atikah Arsyad
    Nim : 200103512008
    Dani rides a motorcycle at a velocity of 45 km/hour. Out of the blue, the cat who was 3 meters in front of Dani crossed and stopped in the middle of the road. Dani was shocked and braked with a deceleration of 10 m/s2. The correct statement is…
    A. Dani’s motor will stop within 3 seconds.
    B. Dani would stop without hitting the cat.
    C. If the cat does not move, the cat will be hit by Dani.
    D. Dani’s motorbike stops after traveling 2.8125 m.
    E. Dani’s motorbike stops after traveling 5.8125 m.

  19. Avatar Nurul Aziza Wulandari
    Nurul Aziza Wulandari

    Nama : Nurul Aziza Wulandari
    NIM : 200103512009

    Three capacitors C1, C2, dan C3, with each capacities of 2µF, 3 µF, and 6µF are arranged in series, then connected to a source so that capacitor C3 has a potential difference (voltage) of 4 volts. Find the energy stored in capacitor C2…

    A. 3 µJ
    B. 4 µJ
    C. 8 µJ
    D. 12 µJ
    E. 24 µJ

    1. Avatar Futri Hakiki R
      Futri Hakiki R

      Sorry in advance, according to the material in the fourth article which contains 12 rules for making multiple choice questions. It would be nice if the multiple choice questions were made in the form of questions, not statements or entries. Thank you

  20. Avatar PUTRI AMELIA

    NIM : 200103511004

    11. A step down transformers that has efficiency of 80% change the voltage from 1000 volt to 2000 volt. The current in the primary circuit is..
    A. 2,750 A
    B. 2,000 A
    C. 1,250 A
    D. 1,000 A
    E. 0,275 A


      A step down transformer with 80% efficiency converts 1000 volts to 220 volts. The transformer is used to light 220 watts. The bulk current in the primary part is …

    2. Avatar Nurul Pratiwi Sahabuddin
      Nurul Pratiwi Sahabuddin

      A step down transformer with 80% efficiency reduce the voltage from 1000 volts to 220 volts. The transformer is used to light a 220 watt bulb. The current in the primary coil is ….

      Nama : Nurul Pratiwi Sahabuddin
      NIM : 200103510003

  21. Avatar Ildah Apriani
    Ildah Apriani

    Nama : Ildah Apriani
    NIM : 200103512005

    According to Stefan Boltzamnn’s law, the intensity of radiation emitted by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. The radiated power is expressed by the equation
    P = eσAT4
    Where P is the radiation power, e is the emissivity value (e = 1 for a black body), A is the surface area of ​​the black body, T is the absolute temperature of the object, and k is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The dimensions of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in the radiation power formula are…

    A. [M][T]-3[θ]
    B. [M][T]-3[θ]4
    C. [M][L][T]-3[θ]4
    D. [M][L]2[T]-3[θ]
    E. [M][L]2[T]-3[θ]4

    1. Avatar Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi
      Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi

      According to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the intensity of radiation emitted by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. The radiant power is expressed by the equation
      P = eσAT4
      Where P is the radiation power, e is the emissivity value (e = 1 for black bodies), A is the surface area of the black body, T is the absolute temperature of the body, and k is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The dimension of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in the radiation power formula is …

  22. Avatar Annisa Idrulya Salsabila
    Annisa Idrulya Salsabila

    Nama : Annisa Idrulya Salsabila
    Nim : 200103511005

    Satellites of Helios 1 and Helios 2 orbitting the earth with the ratio of orbit radius 4 : 9 and the ratio of mass Helios 1 and Helios 2 is 4 : 9. if the orbital line of satellites is circular , then calculate the ratio of period sattelites Helios 1 and Helios 2 .
    A. 4 : 9
    B. 4 : 27
    C. 8 : 27
    D. 27 : 4
    E. 27 : 8

    1. Avatar Sri Rahayu Atikah Arsyad
      Sri Rahayu Atikah Arsyad

      Satellites of Helios 1 and Helios 2 orbit the earth with the ratio of orbit radius 4 : 9 and the ratio of mass of Helios 1 and Helios 2 is 4 : 9. If the orbital line of satellites is circular , then calculate the ratio of period satellites Helios 1 and Helios 2 .

      A. 4 : 9

      B. 4 : 27

      C. 8 : 27

      D. 27 : 4

      E. 27 : 8

  23. Avatar Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi
    Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi

    Nama : Muh Nurfaizi Bahmi
    Id : 200103512006

    2. Budi traveled to a place using a car. The car goes straight north for 3 km, turns east for 4 km, then turns back north for 3 km, and finally turns west for 12 km. If Nana leaves at 09.00 and arrives at the destination at 09.45, then the average speed of Budi’s car is close to the value …
    a. 7,5 km/h
    b. 10 km/h
    c. 13 km/h
    d. 29 km/h
    e. 36 km/h

    1. Avatar PUTRI AMELIA

      Budi traveled to a place using a car. The car goes straight north for 3 km, turns east for 4 km, then turns back north for 3 km, and finally turns west for 12 km. If Nana leaves at 09.00 and arrives at the destination at 09.45, then the average velocity of Budi’s car is close to the value… (use velocity not speed)

  24. Avatar Muhammad Nur Ikhsan Rasyid
    Muhammad Nur Ikhsan Rasyid

    A turning road is designed for a car to travel at a maximum speed of 10 ms^-1. If the coefficient of friction between tire and road is 0.5 and radius to road finding R m. Then the value of R is … (g = 10 ms–2)
    A. 7,5 meter
    B. 8,0 meter
    C. 10 meter
    D. 15 meter
    E. 20 meter

    1. Avatar Ildah Apriani
      Ildah Apriani

      Nama : Ildah Apriani
      NIM : 200103512005

      A. 7,5 meters
      B. 8,0 meters
      C. 10 meters
      D. 15 meters
      E. 20 meters

  25. Avatar Nurul Pratiwi Sahabuddin
    Nurul Pratiwi Sahabuddin

    Nama : Nurul Pratiwi Sahabuddin
    NIM : 200103510003
    19. Two corks float on the water surface forming waves. When the first cork is at the crest of a wave, the second cork is at the crest of another wave. The first and second corks are 50 cm apart and there is a crest of a wave between them. Both moves up and down with a frequency of 20 Hz. The velocity of the wave is…
    A. 0,5 m/s
    B. 1,0 m/s
    C. 2,5 m/s
    D. 5,0 m/s
    E. 10 m/s

  26. Avatar Hikmawati

    Name: Hikmawati
    ID: 200103511008

    17. A 200 gram glass of water at 20° C is added to 50 gram if ice at -2° C. If only heat was transferred between water and ice. After equilibrium would be obtained….
    (Cwater = 1 Cal/grC, Cice = 0,5 Cal/grC, L= 80 Cal/Gr)
    A. All the ice melts and the temperature is above 0° C
    B. All the ice melts and the temperature is 0° C
    C. Not all the ice melts and the temperature is 0°C
    D. All the system temperature is below 0° C
    E. Some of the water is freezes and the system temperature is 0°C

    1. Avatar PUTRI AMELIA

      A 200 gram glass of water at 20° C was added to 50 gram if ice at -2° C. If only heat was transferred between water and ice. After equilibrium would be obtained….
      (Cwater = 1 Cal/grC, Cice = 0,5 Cal/grC, L= 80 Cal/Gr)
      (was added not is added)

    2. Avatar Azizah Azzahrah
      Azizah Azzahrah

      A glass containing 200 grams of water at 20°C is added to 50 grams of ice at -2°C. If there is only heat exchange between water and ice, then equilibrium will be obtained … (c water = 1 cal/grK, c ice = 0;5 cal/grK, L = 80 cal/gr)

      A. all the ice melts and the temperature are above 0°C
      B. all the ice melts and the temperature are 0°C
      C. not all the ice melts and the temperature are 0°C
      D. All the temperature of the whole system are below 0°C
      E. some of the water freezes and the temperature is 0°C

  27. Avatar PUTRI ANISA

    NIM : 200103511010

    21. A cube-shaped object is made of a material that has a density of 0.25 g/cm3. The object floats on liquid X with a density of 0.9 g/cm3. Dani wants the cube object to float in liquid X, so Dani adds an object with a density of 5 g/cm3 above the cube object. If the edge of the cube is 5 cm, the weight of the object that must be placed on top of the cube is …

    A. 0.99 N
    B. 1.68 N
    C. 2.20 N
    D. 3.20 N
    E. 5.20 N

    1. Avatar Futri Hakiki R
      Futri Hakiki R

      Sorry in advance, according to the material in the fourth article which contains 12 rules for making multiple choice questions. It would be nice if the multiple choice questions were made in the form of questions, not statements or entries. Thank you

  28. Avatar NURUL PRATIWI

    Nama : Nurul Pratiwi
    NIM : 200103512001

    No. 28
    The bullet is fired at an angle of elevation, and its initial velocity is as shown in the figure below. The horizontal distance at the same height when the bullet is fired (R) is….
    (sin 600 = 0,87 dan g = 10 m.s-2)

    A. 180 m
    B. 360 m
    C. 870 m
    D. 900 m
    E. 940 m



    23. A police car is running with velocity of 20 m/s while sounding siren at frequency of 1,050 Hz. Meanwhile, a motorcyclist behind the car is moving with velocity of 10/ms km/h the same direction with the police car. With the speed of sound in the air at time is 330 m/s, at what siren frequncy did the motorcyclist hear..

    A. 1.010 Hz
    B. 1.020 Hz
    C. 1.030 Hz
    D. 1.050 Hz
    E. 1.060 Hz

  30. Avatar Revalinda Darwis
    Revalinda Darwis

    Revalinda Darwis

    4. A police car is moving at 72 km/h and emitting a siren with a 1,400 Hz frequency. A motorbike rider is following the police car and moving toward it at a speed of 54 km/h. The speed of sound in the air at that time was 330 m/s, so the frequency of police car sirens heard by motorcyclists was …

    A. 1.240 Hz
    B. 1.380 Hz
    C. 1.420 Hz
    D. 1.450 Hz
    E. 1.558 Hz

  31. Avatar Anggun Devita
    Anggun Devita

    Nama : Anggun Devita
    Nim : 200103512010

    No. 7
    a truck which is moving with speed 10 m/s being hit by a car which is moving with speed 20 m/s. After crash both of the car combined each other. If the mass truck 1400 kg and mass car 600 kg, the speed of truck and car after crashing is…
    A. 6 m/s
    B. 9 m/s
    C. 11 m/s
    D. 13 m/s
    E. 17 m/s

  32. Avatar Nur Aisyah
    Nur Aisyah

    9. A ball at softball game has a mass of 0.15 kg thrown horizontally to the right with a velocity of 20 m/s. After being hit, the ball moves to the left with a velocity of 20 m/s. The impulse given by the bat on the ball is…

    A. 3 Ns
    B. –3 Ns
    C. 6 Ns
    D. –6 Ns
    E. 0

  33. Avatar Annisa Idrulya Salsabila
    Annisa Idrulya Salsabila

    Nama : Annisa Idrulya Salsabila
    Nim : 200103511005

    Satellites of Helios 1 and Helios 2 orbitting the earth with the ratio of orbit radius 4 : 9 and the ratio of mass Helios 1 and Helios 2 is 4 : 9. if the orbital line of stellites is circular , then calculate the ratio of period sattelites Helios 1 and Helios 2 .
    A. 4 : 9
    B. 4 : 27
    C. 8 : 27
    D. 27 : 4
    E. 27 : 8

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