Ahmad Dahlan God does not play dice with the Cosmos.

Teleskop Terbesar di Luar Angkasa: Hubble

1 min read

Mengintip Luar Angkasa Melalui Lensa – Lensa Teleskop Hubble

Ahmad Dahlan.  Teleskop Hubel merupakan sebuah teleskop raksasa yang diletakkan di laur angkasa. Nama Huble sendiri terinspirasi dari seorang ilmuwa berdarah Amerika, Edwin Hubble yang banyak berjasa dalam bidang pengamatan luar angkasa dan lensa melalui hukum Hubble. Teleskop Huble telah membantu manusia memahami karakteristik dari alam semesta melalui gambar-gambar yang dikirimkan dari stasiun ruang angkasa ke Bumi.

Sejarah Pembuatan Teleskop Hubble

Pembangunan sebuah Teleskop yang diletakkan pertama kali diajukan oleh Akademi Sains Nasional Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1962. Tujuan dari pembangunan ini untuk melakukan pengamatan langsung dari luar angkasa agar terhindar dari polusi cahaya yang dibuat oleh manusia dan juga pembiasan yang terjadi di Atmosfer bumi. Manfaat dari pembangunan diharapkan mampu membantu manusia mendapatkan data yang sangat presisi dan panjang gelombang elektromagnetik yang dikelaurkan bintang-bintang dan objek-obejk lain di alam semesta. 
Pembangunan Teleskop Hubble kemudian mendapatkan respon dari kongres Fisika tahun 1977 untuk mendirikan sebuah teleskop raksasa diserta dengan stasiun luar angkasa sebagai tempat teleskop. Stasiun ini kemudian dijaga agar tetap bergerak pada orbit bumi. Pembangunan kemudian dilakukan pada tahun yang sama setelah dana awal terkumpul.
Kosntruksi lengkap dari telskop Hubble baru berhasil dilakukan pada tahun 1985 kemudian dikirim ke luar angkasa pada tanggal 24 April 1990. 4 Tahun lebih lama dari rencana awal pengorbitan Hubble yakni tahun 1986. Penundaan ini tidak lain disebabkan oleh kecelakaan pesawat Chalengger.
Beberapa tahun setelah dioperasikan, HUbble akhirnya berhasil mengirim gambar ke Bumi namun hasil yang ditunjukkan adalah gambar buram. Nasa kemudian menemukan penyebab buramnya gambar tersebut disebabkan oleh pergeseran Lensa Utama sejauh 1/50 ketebalan rambut atau sekitar 0,02 mm. NASA baru dapat mengirim Astronot untuk melakukan perbaikan dan menambahkan beberapa bagian untuk memperbaiki kesalahan tersebut pada bulan Desember 1993.

Teleskop terbesar di dunia unik untuk melihat sesuatu yang tidak terlihat

Ukuran Teleskop Hubble

Badan Teleskop: Hubble memiliki panjang sekitar 13,1 meter dengan diameter mencapai 4,27 meter. Total massa seluruh komponen dari Hubbel mencapai 11 Ton. Dengan ukuran ini Hubble memiliki ukuran hampir sama dengan Bus.
Lensa : Lensa utama pada Huble memiliki jari jari kelengkungan sebsar 1,2 meter dengan massa 826 kg. Bahan utama dari lensa adalah kaca silika dengan lapisan Aluminium murni. Aluminium akan berfungsi merefleksikan cahaya. Lapisan Maganesium Flourida diberikan pada lensa untuk mengurangi kerusakan lensa yang diakibatkan oleh sinar Ultraviolet dan proses oksidasi.

Cara Kerja Teleskop Hubbel

Teleskop Hubbel bekerja dengan cara menangkap gambar. Gambar kemudian disimpan dalam bentuk kode digital lalu dipancarkan ke bumi melalui sebuah antena dengan kecepatan mengirim 1 Juta bit per detik.  Kode digital yang diterima oleh stasiun bumi kemudian diubah menjadi foto dan spektograf yakni sebuah instrumen yang digunakan untuk mencatat spektrum astronomikal.

Hubble mengelilingi Bumi dengan kecepatan 5 mil per deti, dengan kecepatan ini, Hubble akan menempuh 150 juta mil dalam setahun atau setara dengan 241 juta kilometer. Hubble dikendalikan melalui bumi dari Goddard Space Fligth Center di Greenbelt.

Hasil pengematan Teleskop Hubble

Hubbel memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan ilmu astronomi serta kaitannya dalam mengamati perkembangan tentang universe dan berbagai benda-benda yang ada diangkasa seperti bintang, galaksi dan juga black hole. Salah satu penemuan  penting dari Hubble adalah Eris yang merupakan sebuah planet katai dengan satu buah satelit Dysnomia. Penemuan ini menjadi dasar keluarnya Planet Pluto dalam sistem tata surya.

Selain dari benda-benda yang ada di dalam tata surya, Hubbel juga mengamati kejadian-kejadian luar angkasa yang tidak dapat diamati dari bumi seperti Supernova, proses lahirnya bintang dan tabrakan bintang. Penemuan memberikan dukungan kepada para ilmuwan bahwa Matahari yang kelihatannya memiliki sinaar abadi suatu saat akan mengalami sekarat dan mati.

Ahmad Dahlan God does not play dice with the Cosmos.

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20 Replies to “Teleskop Terbesar di Luar Angkasa: Hubble”

  1. My knowledge about out of the space is increase by read this article, i never know that there is a big telescope that round this earth if i dont read this article. But i wonder how the result of this telescope take a picture of the space maybe the writer can put the result of katai planet and dysnomia satelit so i can know how the quality of the picture taken by this hubble telescope.

  2. I want to ask you sir. The complete construction of the hubble telescope was delayed due to a chalengger aircraft crash. Why this plane crashed? Was the plane carrying this telescope and then an accident?

  3. This article is very interesting in my opinion. And hubble telescope is also very remarkable. What caught my attention was that I could observe black holes. Hopefully later the black hole can be studied more deeply because some articles that I can still no one knows in detail about this black hole. That is my hope hehe

  4. According to my article is quite interesting, because it provides information about the scope, from the beginning, to the telescope can menangkat pictures of the earth with very good speed to catch from a supernova. I think this article is not yet complete, should this article provide information about origins and types of telescopes for more interesting this article to provide the things that attract read.

  5. I like this article. After reading the article my knowledge of the telescope is increasing. From this article, the first time i know that the biggest telescope out of space named Hubble. Is there is Hubble in Makassar or Indonesia?? I hope used Hubble hehe.

  6. I think this article is interesting. Because this article have much knowledge gained about hubble telescope. Where this article discusses or explains more about hubble telescopes such as the history of manufacture, size, way of work and in this article also explains that hubble telescopes play an important role for astronomy.

  7. I think this article is interesting. Because this article have much knowledge gained about hubble telescope. Where this article discusses or explains more about hubble telescopes such as the history of manufacture, size, way of work and in this article also explains that hubble telescopes play an important role for astronomy.

  8. After reading this article, In addition to the knowledge of telescopes added, this article also makes me imagine. I imagine how big and heavy the hubble telescope. I also became aware that the lens shift so far only 1/50th of hair thickness can be the cause of blurred images. You should re-read this article and correct the word (typo), sir. Hehehe 😂

  9. From this article I got more knowledge is about telescope, the hubble telescope have a characteristics, can observe space events that cannot be observed from the earth like a supernova, process of the birth of star and star collisions. The hubble telescope is also used a long time start from planning to operation, the hubble telescope also have a big size and speed fast enough.

  10. I think this article is very nice and helpful. This article provides a very complete explanation. After reading this article, we can know that there is a telescope with a very large size in outer space. I really want to see the Hubble telescope.

  11. Thank you very much for sharing information about this hubble telescope because I came to know that there is a big telescope in space and has long been launched. But in my opinion this article is still not complete. It is recommended that the workings of this telescope be included with the image, such as the mirror or lens, include the captured image of the hubble telescope and include the duration of the hubble telescope work prior to launch. thank you

  12. Thank you sir for the article, this is a very good article. Much of the new information we previously did not know about astronomy tools and one of them is the hubble telescope. This article opened my horizons about the hubble telescope and made me want to know more about this hubble telescope.

  13. Thanks to his new knowledge sir. this artekel is very good to add to my knowledge, Most of the new information we previously did not know about astronomy tools and one of them is hubble telescope. This article opens my horizons about the hubble telescope and makes me draw deeper to learn it

  14. In my opinion sir to this article is very good article because this article is reviewed from structure and arrangement very regularly starting from background of hubble telescope, who its inventor, its developer every year, and its writing in conveying information very clear and not hard to comprehend. And I personally greatly appreciate this very useful article sir.

  15. It was the best article that i ever read before, because the article tell us about Hubble's discoveries have transformed the way scientists look at the universe. Its ability to show the universe in unprecedented detail has turned astronomical conjectures into concrete certainties. It has winnowed down the collection of theories about the universe even as it sparked new ones, clarifying the path for future astronomers.

  16. Thank you for this article sir. This article is very interesting. This article gives a lot of new knowledges. From this article, i know that there is a giant telescope placed in outer space. But on the hubble space telescope observations preferably at show a picture or a description so that we would know how the observation.

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